Julie Morgenstern has developed cutting-edge training courses for anyone interested in her Inside Out methods, whether you are a veteran organizer or new to the field and looking for essential training. Using the “Organizing From The Inside Out” method, the Julie Morgenstern Organizing Institute provides a rich educational experience that will help you
billable hours and diversify your revenue stream
and elevate your credibility to boost client retention
boost your level of professionalism and confidence, and
your opportunities to work with and maintain your ideal clientele.
Professional Organizers, Executive Coaches, Life Coaches, Corporate Trainers, Design Professionals, Counselors, Administrative Professionals and Consultants |
2013 COURSES: |
Organizing Clients From the Inside Out: Summer Session: June 14-15 – New York City
Fall Session: November 8 - 9 – New York City
Conducting Needs Assessments:
Summer Session: June 16 – New York City
Fall Session: November 10 – New York City
Becoming a Time Management Coach Workshop:
Summer Webinar: July 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25
